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On the hunt for Florence’s famous street artists

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by history when you visit Italy. Everywhere you go, there’s architecture dating back to Ancient Rome, centuries-old culinary traditions, and an almost infinite collection of historical works of art. 

These are all wonderful things to see in Florence, but what about contemporary Florence? Everywhere you go, 21st century Italy is bustling around you. As a tourist, how do you tap into Italy’s dynamically evolving culture?

Italy’s southern metropolis: 10 remarkable things to do in Naples

If you’re interested in lavish palaces, stunning cathedrals and churches, and spooky underground catacombs, we highly recommend devoting a few days to exploring Naples, Italy’s southern metropolis. 

One of the oldest cities in the world to be consistently inhabited, Naples is a magical, though sometimes a bit chaotic, stop on your Italian adventure.

Read on for our expert tips on what to do in Naples, Italy.



1. Don’t miss Pompeii, Herculaneum and Paestum

Traveling Italy on a Budget: 6 Free Things to See and Do in Rome

The Eternal City has a reputation for being an expensive place to visit. This can make it a challenging destination for budget travelers. Don’t let this stop you from visiting Rome! All it takes is a little research to find all kinds or remarkable experiences in the city that will cost you nothing. 

Put on your walking shoes. Here are our top six picks for free things to do if you’re visiting Italy on a budget.



With its history of waterworks and aqueducts, fountains remain some of the most beautiful sculptural landmarks in the city. 

Savor Italy’s Local Ingredients and Culinary Traditions, Part 2: From Abruzzo to Umbri

Traveling in Italy gives you a rare opportunity to taste truly authentic local fare wherever you go. Make the most of your trip to Italy by indulging in the uniquely local and artisanal meals prepared by people who inherited these culinary traditions from their ancestors. 

In part two of our series on artisanal Italian food, explore four culinary delights made from traditional and uniquely local ingredients.   


L’aquila saffron in Abruzzo

The romance of water: Rome’s most magnificent fountains

Rome boasts more than 2,000 fountains, some elaborate, some mostly utilitarian. It would be impossible to see them all on one visit to the city and doubtless few Romans could boast having viewed them all. As you traverse the city, you’ll likely encounter numerous and sometimes unremarkable ones. But don’t leave Rome without seeing some of Rome’s most iconic fountains. Our tour will get you started.

Exploring Rome’s great bridges: a cultural and culinary walking tour

The ancient Romans left their mark on the world in any number of ways. In particular, their skill as engineers gave us some truly remarkable bridges. When you’re visiting Rome, dedicate a day to touring the variety of bridges built through the ages that connect the eastern side of the city across the iconic Tiber river to the western side, Trastevere, which means “across the Tiber” (Tevere in Italian).