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Train Travel Safety Tips in Italy

Worried about safety on your trip to Italy? A lot of keeping safe is simply following your gut; if you find yourself in a seedy area or uncomfortable situation, get outta there. While using common sense is critical, when traveling to another country there are a few more aspects to consider. Read on for some train travel safety tips to be prepared:

Before you Board the Train

Scan and send yourself an e-mail of all your important travel documents such as your passport, ID cards, insurance cards, and rail pass. These are crucial to have if any of your document are lost or stolen. The old method of making and keeping copies is flawed, because you will be in trouble if you lose those hard copies, while digital copies are forever. 

Boarding the Train in Italy

Board the train as early as possible and try to find a compartment with other backpackers, families, or business professionals. If you’re alone and female, look for a compartment with other women in it. Be prepared to change compartments if you feel uncomfortable.

Staying Safe on the Train in Italy

Stay alert when traveling, you will observe and remember more about your surroundings, minimizing your risk of being robber. Don’t leave any of your belongings unattended, and do not keep all of your money and credit cards on you in the same pocket. Keep at least one card and some cash in a different place, preferably not on you. To avoid being pickpocketed, don’t keep your wallet in your back pocket, keep it in the front, especially in a pocket that can be zipped or buttoned up, or even better, in an inside jacket pocket. For extra security, you can also wear a money belt.

Watch out for groups of children or adults creating a commotion meant to distract tourists for easy pick pocketing and don’t let anyone hold you by the hand or wrist because they may try to whip your watch or wallet off you.

As for sleeping on a train, it’s best to use your daypack as your pillow and wear your passport, cash and rail pass on you. If the door to your cabin has a lock, make sure to lock it before you go to sleep.

Leaving the Train

Any time you travel, always check your car or surroundings for any valuables left behind before leaving the train to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.


Photo credit: Garrett