Find Train Tickets in Italy

Train Schedules

If you’re planning on visiting multiple destinations in Italy there is no better way to travel than by train. And with a little planning, you can avoid long lines at the train station, especially to popular routes, by booking your tickets before you travel with ItaliaRail. 

Train schedules are usually released 60-120 days before departure. If you are looking for a train schedule for a later date you can request to be informed when the route becomes available by completing the Find Train Tickets in Italy form above and submitting your email address. 


The main hall of every train station in Europe contains a departure and arrival board. This board will display all the information you need to catch your train including, platform number, stops made en route, and the final destination. You can get a free train schedule at most stations. These "mini-timetables" typically list departures and arrivals between two specific points or regions. Look for them near the rail information centers. An additional source for detailed schedules is the Rail Information Center. By using computerized reservation systems, the Rail Information Center staff can help you find a schedule or route to the city of your choice. Best of all the service is free.